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Yes, you can object to a development for any reason. Objecting doesn’t necessarily mean their application will be rejected. Emotional objections are unlikely to carry much weight whereas technical objections which demonstrate a clear detrimental impact of breach of planning policy will carry much more weight.
For instance, simply not liking your neighbour would not be sufficient reason for refusal however, loss of light or privacy might be. It is important to voice all your concerns however, technical objections supported by planning laws are essential to make the strongest possible argument.
For this reason, it is advisable that you seek expert advice from qualified planners who can help you identify as many technical objections as possible.
Here are some of the most common reasons for planning objections;
All of these are technical reasons for objecting to a planning application and could potentially result in an application being rejected.
If you are unfamiliar with all of the complex planning laws you can instruct an expert such as Studio Charrette to prepare and submit your planning objection on your behalf, to give yourself the best chance of success.
Get in touch!